General Questions

1. What is the Third Coast Chess Club?

Check out the About page.

2. Where and when does the Chess Club meet?

We meet every Monday from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM, and once per month on a Saturday from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Check the Event Calendar for details on venues / locations.

3. Who can join?

Anyone with an interest in chess is welcome! You don’t need to be a student or a member of any organization to join us. You don’t need to know how to play chess and there are no age restrictions. Come and learn, come and play!


4. How do I become a member?

Simply show up to one of our meetings!

5. What are the benefits of membership?

There are many! Here are some good reasons.


6. What activities does the club offer?

  • Weekly casual games
  • Tournaments
  • Puzzle solving sessions
  • Lessons for beginners

7. Do I have to compete in tournaments?

No, you are not required to compete in tournaments. You can join the club simply to enjoy casual games or to improve your skills. That being said, tournaments are a lot of fun. Having the club compete together as a team at a tournament is a fun and exciting experience.


8. Do I need to bring my own chess set?

While you’re welcome to bring your own set, the club has plenty of sets and clocks for use during meetings.

9. What type of chess sets do you use?

Vinyl boards with nicely weighted pieces.

Skill Levels

10. I’m a complete beginner. Can I still join?

Absolutely! We have members of all skill levels and offer beginner lessons to help you get started.

11. How can I improve my game?

We offer a variety of resources, including coaching sessions, puzzle solving, and strategic discussions to help you improve your skills.


12. How can I stay updated on club events?

This site is a good start. Additionally, you may give your contact information to the club director and be placed on a club notification list.

13. How can I contribute to the club?

There are many ways to contribute, from helping to set up and manage events to offering lessons and workshops. If you’re interested, please speak to one of our officers at the next meeting.

14. My school doesn’t have a chess club, can you help?

Check out this post for more information. Feel free to reach out via the contact form with any questions you have.

15. Who should I contact for more information?

Fill out the contact form and the club director will respond to you via phone/text or email (whichever you provide).

We hope this FAQ has answered your questions about the Third Coast Chess Club. Feel free to contact us or attend one of our meetings. We look forward to seeing you there!