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We have all age ranges at the club. Sometimes the little ones just like to move the pieces around while the adults get some games in. Some adults chat while the kiddos play some games. Some kids completely crush the adults and some folks are aspiring chess masters. The people make the place!
This is pretty much tongue-in-cheek. Some folks who have no idea how to play think that the game is beyond them or that they missed the bus a long time ago. It's not true. They've just missed the opportunity. Well, there's never been a better time than now. Chess doesn't care what your age is.
These benefits aren't all inclusive, but they apply to children as well as adults.
Don't really have a newsletter at the moment, but eventually we're planning on releasing one. It won't be overly spammy and would more than likely be sent to your inbox. But hey, maybe we can do a snailmail version for those who like to get stuff in the mail.
Drop us a line and we'll get back to you ASAP!