We had four (4) club members participate this year in the regional championship (region VII). It was a great event where we had two club members in different sections (primary and high school) win the regional championship for their section. The other two club members placed 4th in the elementary section (4-5) and 2nd place in the Open section (actually drawing, as black, the person who took first).
Congratulations goes out to Theodore Samples, the reigning Region VII Chess Champion for Primary (K-3), David Chedester, the reigning Region VII Chess Champion for High School, Walter Samples, the 4th place finisher for Elementary section (4-5th grade), and Lincoln Samples for winning 2nd place in the Open section.
These folks are great club players, fierce competitors, and they are getting stronger. If you want to play, reach out to me (Ian), and we’ll get you started on your journey. Whether it’s picking the game back up after a lengthy hiatus, just wanting to learn how to play, or getting your school involved. It’s a really great game, for both adults and children. If you don’t know how to play, you are definitely missing out. But you can fix that. Hope to meet you over the board.